Titanium Maiden and Cannon visit Belt Boy in his secret laboratory, hidden in a wooden area deep beneath a... port-a-potty. Anyhoo, Belt Boy plans to give his girlfriend a tour of the place, but it's stopped short when the comic viewers demand some action to finally get sta- er, I mean, when Miss Sunflower and her cohorts attack. Can our heroes keep the villains from discovering Belt Boy's base?

Comic 237 - 8/21/08 - Fontastic

Comic 238 - 8/23/08 - Cannon Should Consider Getting His Own Phone Line...

Comic 239 - 8/26/08 - Potty Humor

Comic 240 - 8/28/08 - Feelin' Flushed

Comic 241 - 8/30/08 - Tunnel Vision

Comic 242 - 9/2/08 - "Where Would the Fun in That Be?"

Comic 243 - 9/4/08 - Dexte- er, I mean, Belt Boy's Laboratory

Comic 244 - 9/6/08 - Double Trouble

Comic 245 - 9/9/08 - The Mis-Guided Tour Begins

Comic 246 - 9/11/08 - Wake-Up Call

Comic 247 - 9/13/08 - Ladybugged

Comic 248 - 9/16/08 - Clueless Leader

Comic 249 - 9/20/08 - Tube-ular

Comic 250 - 9/23/08 - Havin' a Blast

Comic 251 - 9/25/08 - No Sir, I Don't Like It

Comic 252 - 9/27/08 - Well SOMEONE Had to Shut Her Up...

Comic 253 - 9/30/08 - Bull-Headed

Comic 254 - 10/4/08 - 60-Watt Idea

Comic 255 - 10/7/08 - Cannon's Unwilling to Accept a Different Sort of Charge

Comic 256 - 10/9/08 - Crunch Time

Comic 257 - 10/11/08 - They Fell for That One *Rimshot*

Comic 258 - 10/14/08 - Cannon's a Real Trip

Comic 259 - 10/16/08 - Seeing Red

Comic 260 - 10/18/08 - A Fate Worse Than Death

Comic 261 - 10/21/08 - A Whirlwind of Events

Comic 262 - 10/23/08 - Easy as 1,2,3

Comic 263 - 10/25/08 - Smashy Smashy

Comic 264 - 10/28/08 - Signs of Trouble

Comic 265 - 11/1/08 - Marshmallows

Comic 266 - 11/4/08 - Two Bits

Comic 267 - 11/6/08 - Smeck


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