The Saturday Morning Webcomic!

Rated G/PG

Superhero School Store

The Heroes of C.R.A.S.H. is now part of the Collective of Heroes! Click the button to the left for more superhero webcomics! (NOTE: Some might be PG-13 or R)


Comic Number 869 

Fan Art Contest Rules

 3/30/24 - April Fools' 2024 and Links Page Updates

This year's April Fools' Day filler feature characters from Alex Rhys' webcomic, Robin & Cat !  I've added this comic to the PG-13 to R Links section, while removing another comic from the G to PG Links section because its author turned out to be a terrible person.  Oddly enough, I thought I'd made these changes months ago, but better late than never!  Please give Alex's comic a read when you have a chance!



 2/17/24 - It's Fan Art Contest Time Again!

It's time for the annual Fan Art Contest!  Click the button above for the full rules!  But the gist is this: make artwork or a video game avatar based on my webcomic's characters and submit it by May 19th to earn some artwork from me as a prize!  Have fun, and good luck!

 10/14/23 - Fan Art from Queer and Pleasant Danger

I got some sweet fan art this week from Queer and Pleasant Danger!  Check out this picture of Titanium Maiden having a little stretch after defeating a giant monster.  If you look closely, you can see Belt Boy surveying the damage in the background, giving you an idea of the scale of the massive beast.

9/9/23 - CozyCon Update: We're Hosting An Event!

On Saturday September 16th at 3pm/2pm central, I'm hosting Toon Up! - an art event on CozyCon's Discord!  I'll be giving some art prompts for fun, wacky characters, and people can choose to share their drawings, draw privately, or watch what everyone else is up to.  I hope you'll check it out and participate!

8/26/23 - New August Merch!

Hey, folks!  Check out the C.R.A.S.H. store for some new merch: an inspirational poster, a Girl Power poster, and a Magic Elixer tee!  Click the link at the top of the page to go to our TeeMill store!

8/19/23 - We're Going to CozyCon (While Staying Home)!

Back from vacation with a news update: The Heroes of C.R.A.S.H. is a vendor at a convention for the first time!  And it's 100% online!  CozyCon is a free convention for art creators and art lovers, with drawings, illustrations, comics, crafts, merch, and more!  I'll be there September 15th through 17th.  Hope to see you there!


8/5/23 - A SECOND Wallpaper and Vacation Announcement

I'm taking another vacation!  This one's going to be a bit longer, but once again, I'll only miss one update: the weekend of the 12th.  This time, Matt Gregory is calling in his prize from winning my fan art contest back in 2015, and so this overdue wallpaper features a crossover between his webcomic and mine!  He requested that Titanium Maiden hold up a 2x4 balancing his title characters, Janine and Candice, along with my Belt Boy and Cannon.  You can download this wallpaper here.  Enjoy!


To the first comic!Return to the Previous Comic!

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There's cool HoC stuff on Facebook! Here you'll find Josh's Resume, Cover Letter, and Portfolio Cool fanart for - and sometimes by - Josh!
See B.O.N.N.I.E.'s biographical data on the characters Look at info on the artist, comic, etc. Browse links to other cool webcomics!