Belt Boy is rejected by Titanium Maiden for unknown reasons, Enticia fails at seducing Belt Boy (but succeeds in seducing Cannon) in her first appearance in the strip, and we meet the most boring teacher in C.R.A.S.H. (or anywhere else).
Comic 37 - 9/7/06 - Karma Cuts Cannon a Break
Comic 38 - 9/12/06 - Prepared
Comic 39 - 9/14/06 - Playing Hard to Get, Maybe?
Comic 40 - 9/21/06 - Enter Enticia
Comic 41- 9/28/06 - Clockwatcher
Comic 42 - 10/2/06 - Convenient Timing
Comic 43 - 10/17/06 - Scent of a Woman
Comic 44 - 10/19/06 - The Grin-and-Double-Gun-Wink Combo
Comic 45 - 10/26/06 - Slap-Unhappy
Comic 46 - 11/2/06 - Role-Reversal
Comic 47 - 11/7/06 - Yes, That's REALLY Josh
Comic 48 - 1/18/07 - Scrollin' Along
Comic 49 - 1/23/07 - Actions Speak Less Boring than Words
Comic 50 - 1/25/07 - And You Thought Spitballs Flying in Class Were Bad...
Comic 51 - 1/30/07 - He's For Real... He Just Acts Surreal.