Our heroes find themselves in the class of Battle-Axe Beatrix and face off against a big scary robot, followed by a big scary summer hiatus.

Intro 14 - "Welcome" to C.R.A.S.H.

Intro 15 - Battle-Axe Beatrix

Intro 16 - Facing this Together

Intro 17 - ...Trouble.

Intro 18 - Tel-E-Port!

Intro 19 - Re-A-Ppear!

Comic 20 - 2/23/06 - Testing Room

Comic 21 - 2/28/06 - Giant Robot and Comic Panel

Comic 22 - 3/2/06 - Soiling His Armor

Comic 23 - 3/7/06 - Spin Cycle

Comic 24 - 3/9/06 - R.I.P. Mr. Fluffles

Comic 25 - 3/15/10 - Belt Operation Network Neohuman with Inexplicable Emotions

Comic 26 - 3/28/06 - Opening a Window

Comic 27 - 3/30/06 - Let's Go For It, Team!

Comic 28 - 4/4/06 - Insulting His Motherboard

Comic 29 - 4/6/06 - Can Opener

Comic 30 4/10/06 - Hugs = Good

Comic 31 - 4/13/06 - You've Got Mail!

Comic 32 - 4/20/06 - Timber!

Comic 33 - 4/25/06 - Two Scariest Things

Comic 34 - 4/27/06 - Making the Grade

Comic 35 - 5/2/06 - Cue the Mysterious, Omiscient Figure Cloaked in Shadow


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