During the events of "Cod Almighty", Dino-Mo and her friends were having an adventure of their own! A fun trip to the museum becomes a battle for survival when a villain who truly puts the "mad" in "mad scientist" (And by "mad", I don't mean angry!) decides to pick up a museum souvenir that isn't found in any gift shop. Can Dino-Mo save her father and his exhibit? Will Sugar Rush and Dodge stop making out long enough to help out? And will Gelatin Boy prove that being made of a jiggly dessert actually ISN'T the lamest superpower in history?
Title Page - 11/2/10 - Fight at the Museum
Comic 409 - 11/4/10 - Giddyup (Comic Number) 409
Comic 410 - 11/6/10 - VIP - Very Important Paleontologist
Comic 411 - 11/9/10 - Rained-Out Make-Out
Comic 412 - 11/11/10 - Orange You From Jersey?
Comic 413 - 11/13/10 - Po-TAY-to, Po-TAH-to...
Comic 414 - 11/16/10 - The Doctor is In(sane)
Comic 415 - 11/20/10 - Muhbutichis (Tee-Hee!)
Comic 416 - 12/2/10 - Creepy Monkey
Comic 417 - 12/4/10 - Puffins
Comic 418 - 12/7/10 - They're Attached to Idol Judges' Arms?
Comic 419 - 12/9/10 - Look Who's Talking
Comic 420 - 12/21/10 - Steamroller Fulla Dynamite
Comic 421 - 12/23/10 - Note that Dr. Martinez Left Out "Motivated"...
Comic 422 - 1/4/11 - About As Far Out of "Ordinary" Territory as One Can Get
Comic 423 - 1/6/11 - Little Blue People
Comic 424 - 1/8/11 - What's in a Middle Name?
Comic 425 - 1/13/11 - Almost as Bad as Itchy Trigger-Fingers: Itchy Throwing Arms
Comic 426 - 1/15/11 - Fast as Lightning
Comic 427 - 1/20/11 - HWOCK!
Comic 428 - 1/25/11 - Rage Against the Vending Machine
Comic 429 - 1/29/11 - Raptor Rampage - Take Two
Comic 430 - 2/1/11 - He Shoots, She Scores
Comic 431 - 2/10/11 - Hostage Situation
Comic 432 - 2/12/11 - Shopping List of Demands
Comic 433 - 2/17/11 - I Think We All Know Who He's Referring To...
Comic 434 - 2/22/11 - Next Month: Live Piranha Petting Zoo!
Comic 435 - 2/24/11 - The Sugar Rush Express
Comic 436 - 3/3/11 - Coprolite
Comic 437 - 3/5/11 - Other Lizard
Comic 438 - 3/10/11 - Monkey See, Monkey Doom
Comic 439 - 3/12/11 - Velvet Underwhelmed
Comic 440 - 3/15/11 - Rope Tricks
Comic 441 - 3/19/11 - "Chase Him and Beat Him Up" Isn't a Plan?
Comic 442 - 3/24/11 - Surrounded
Comic 443 - 3/26/11 - Oh, Canada...
Comic 444 - 4/5/11 - Relishing Victory
Comic 445 - 4/9/11 - Scene This Somewhere Before
Comic 446 - 4/12/11 - Not Quite Useless
Comic 447 - 4/16/11 - Fight First, Self-Reflection Later
Comic 448 - 4/21/11 - An Old Tactic with a New Spin
Comic 449 - 5/5/11 - Forget Something...?
Comic 450 - 5/10/11 - No Feet, No Footsteps
Comic 451 - 5/14/11 - A Team by Any Other Name... Would Probably be Just Fine
Comic 452 - 5/17/11 - Dodge's Dramatic Entrance
Comic 453 - 6/11/11 - A Lot in Common
Comic 454 - 6/14/11 - On the Rebound
Comic 455 - 6/16/11 - Not Like Comic Readers Could Hear It, Anyway
Comic 456 - 6/18/11 - Did He Say "Stash" or "Trash"?
Comic 457 - 6/21/11 - The Old "Shoulder Conscience" Bit
Comic 458 - 6/23/11 - ...Said the Guy Who Talks to Tiny People on His Shoulders
Comic 459 - 6/25/11 - Extra Credit
Comic 460 - 7/2/11 - Back in the Game
Comic 461 - 7/9/11 - Nutjob-ese
Comic 462 - 7/16/11 - No Reverse
Comic 463 - 7/23/11 - Shrinking Violet
Comic 464 - 9/8/11 - No More Monkey Business
Comic 465 - 9/10/11 - Big Museum Fight Scene, Take Two
Comic 466 - 9/13/11 - Smack! Krack!
Comic 467 - 9/15/11 - This Touchdown Brings the Score to Thirty-Love
Comic 468 - 9/17/11 - It's a Pony!
Comic 469 - 9/22/11 - More Than One Way to Skin a Monster
Comic 470 - 9/24/11 - Goin' Up Only to be Goin' Down
Comic 471 - 9/29/11 - And Then There Was One (Two if You Count Gertrude)
Comic 472 - 10/4/11 - Season the Day
Comic 473 - 10/8/11 - Zanzibar!
Comic 474 - 10/11/11 - Ludicrous Has Left the Building
Comic 475 - 10/13/11 - Rachel