Name: Sister Sledgehammer Also Known As : Aliases Unknown Alignment: Evil Powers: Above-average strength (Whether that's a super-ability is unknown) Skills: Proficiency wielding a sledgehammer Job: Henchperson Likes: Smashing, crushing, destroying Hates: Talking, Gusto's attitude Objectives: To be a great villain, presumably Personality: The "strong, silent type"
Less is known about Sister Sledgehammer than anyone else on Miss Sunflower's team, because she doesn't ever talk. No one seems to know why, and no one asks her why (for fear of getting a hammer to the face), but that hasn't stopped people from theorizing on why she can't - or won't - speak. She seems to be fiercely loyal to Miss Sunflower and annoyed by Gusto, but her relationship to her teammates is a mystery. A wise man once said to "speak softly and carry a big stick"; she doesn't speak at all and carries a freakin' sledgehammer! Actions speak louder than words with this armored villaness, and her actions just scream, "I want to make you hurt". |